

command + \ - Show/Hide UI f:id:kenev:20210510213919g:plain

ctrl + c - Color Picker f:id:kenev:20210510214351g:plain

command + / - Search f:id:kenev:20210510214805g:plain

shift + r - Ruler f:id:kenev:20210510215223g:plain

option + 1 - Layers / option + 2 - Assets f:id:kenev:20210510220300g:plain

Shift + 0 - Zoom 100% / Shift + 1 - Zoom to fit / Shift + 2 Zoom to selection f:id:kenev:20210510221007g:plain

n - Zoom to next frame / Shift + n - Zoom to previous frame f:id:kenev:20210510221558g:plain

PageDown - Next page / PageUp - Previous page f:id:kenev:20210510222417g:plain

command + option + l - Text align left / command + option + t - Text align center / command + option + r - Text align right f:id:kenev:20210510230454g:plain

command + g - Group selection / command + shift + g - Ungroup selection f:id:kenev:20210510231324g:plain

option - Measure to selection f:id:kenev:20210511074345g:plain

1 - Opacity 10% / 5 - Opacity 50% / 0 - Opacity 100% f:id:kenev:20210511075144g:plain

command + [ - Send backward / command + ] - Bring forward f:id:kenev:20210511083827g:plain

command + option + ] - Bring to front / command + option + [ - Send to back f:id:kenev:20210511084138g:plain

option + a - Align left option + d - Align right option + w - Align top option + s - Align bottom option + h - Align horizontal centers option + v - Align vertical centers f:id:kenev:20210511085109g:plain

ctrl + option + h - Distribute horizontal spacing f:id:kenev:20210511085639g:plain

ctrl + option + v - Distribute vertical spacing f:id:kenev:20210511085935g:plain